Mark Delaney

Mark Delaney

At FourKites, Mark engages with retailers’ c-level leaders and their teams to understand and address industry specific workflows and use cases. He has more than 20 years of experience in the retail industry and has worked with most large retailers globally. Before joining Zebra, Mark held leadership roles at Nielsen and General Mills and owned his own retail technology and analytics consulting firm.

5 Strategies for Retail Supply Chain Optimization This Holiday Season

It’s officially fall 2023: leaves are turning, festive lattes are brewing, and retailers everywhere are bracing themselves for the holiday onslaught. Even in the best years, it’s a stressful time for retailers, their employees, and shoppers alike. There’s no telling exactly what this season will hold. Indeed, any retailer that knows what’s going to happen…

In a Shifting Market, Can Direct-to-Store Delivery Help Stabilize CPG?

The consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is under pressure. While usually defined by stability and consistency, CPG has undergone an upheaval in recent years, driven by pandemic-related adaptations as well as evolving labor and consumer trends. Today, the CPG market is marked by a high degree of uncertainty, with consumers unwilling (or unable) to spend…

4 Ways Retailers Can Succeed in 2023

In Charles Dickens’ treasured story, "A Christmas Carol," Ebenezer Scrooge peers into his past, present and future, learning valuable lessons from his mistakes and emerging a better man. Thankfully, retailers don’t need a visit from three ghosts to make wiser choices in the new year. As retailers face down a looming recession, here’s what they…