Max Koziolek

Max Koziolek

Max Koziolek is the co-founder and CEO of Spectrm, the leading conversational marketing automation platform.

Why Using Generative AI is the Newest Skill a Retail Marketer Needs to Master

Successful marketers adapt. They adapt to changing customer behaviors, to new technologies, to shifting markets. And great marketers learn new skills to keep up with these changes. Today’s newest skill to learn? Artificial intelligence. Nearly every industry is learning how AI can improve their business. In 2018, McKinsey predicted that AI will bring the greatest…

5 Predictions to Help Retailers Prepare for the Future of Retention Marketing

The job of a retail marketer is to adapt. Adapt to new trends and changing customers behaviors. Adapt to declining channels that were once effective. Adapt to customers' high expectations. Adapt to changing data privacy regulations. But instead of being reactive to trends, why not be proactive? Look to where consumer marketing is headed, and…

Is Your Brand Messaging Customers on WhatsApp? Here Are 3 Reasons Why it Should Be

Are you connecting with your customers on the apps where they spend their time each day? Traditional marketing channels are in decline, and it's getting harder to gain the attention of customers in crowded newsfeeds and cluttered inboxes. Why not go to where your customers already are and interact with them on the messaging platforms…

5 Reasons Why Conversational Marketing Should Be Your Next Strategy

Marketers are being backed into a corner. The ways customers want to interact with brands is changing. The rise of data restrictions is constraining marketers in how they can collect information on their audience. But above all, too much competition has led to the decline of digital channel efficacy — and brands are having trouble…

How CMOs Can Prepare for the Future of Conversational Marketing

What's a better marketing strategy: Walking into a room full of people, announcing who you are and what products you offer, and then hoping someone will come talk to you, or walking into a room and going up to each person, shaking their hand, and asking them what problems they need solving? Marketers are looking…