Brett Bair

Brett Bair

Brett Bair is senior director, digital marketing insights, at Monetate, a cloud technology company providing marketing and website optimization solutions.

4 Tips for Holiday Season Success in 2017 and Beyond

In a mad dash to beat sales goals from the year prior, retailers across the globe are revving the engines of their holiday strategies. According to research conducted by Monetate, 67 percent of companies that don’t hit their multiyear Black Friday average will fail to hit their multiyear rest of the holiday season average. Additionally,…

Best-in-Class Merchandising Tactics for Back-to-School E-Commerce Success

Back-to-school (BTS) is the second-biggest event of the year for most retailers. It’s estimated that this two-month period generates more than $70 billion in revenue, with roughly a third of that being spent online. While BTS shopping is similar to holiday shopping, BTS shoppers aren’t as willing to open up their wallets and pocketbooks —…