Vickki Manucci

Vickki Manucci
Free Report: Email Marketing in E-Commerce

Find out how leading e-retailers in the U.S. are using email to welcome new users, recover abandoned shopping carts and grab customer attention. Download the report for industry stats, real-life email examples and recommendations of how to successfully compete for user engagement.

Free Report: Top 100 E-Retailers’ Email Strategies

Find out how leading e-retailers in the U.S. are using email to welcome new users, recover abandoned shopping carts and grab customer attention. Download the report for industry stats, real-life email examples and recommendations of how to successfully compete for user engagement.

Featured Resource: Your Guide to 2017 Sales Tax Changes

It should come as no surprise that 2017 will be a year of change. While what’s emerged from our presidential election will continue to take center stage, changes to sales tax are making their own waves and reshaping the way companies manage their businesses. This comprehensive guide highlights state and federal sales tax changes that took effect in January 2017.

Free Webinar: Drop Shipping — Who’s on the Hook for Sales Tax?

Drop shipping is a hot topic, as more and more retailers use third parties to help grow their businesses. However, using a drop shipper has big implications on how you collect sales tax — or whether you collect it at all. Sales tax guru Marilyn Wethekam will demystify drop-shipping rules and explain what triggers nexus. Register now.

Free Whitepaper: 6 Ways Consumer Identity Management Drives Retail Success

Learn how consumer identity management can make a powerful impact within the retail enterprise. This whitepaper features statistics on how consumer identity management is the core of inbound and outbound marketing initiatives; lost opportunities to capture consumer data and improve engagement; and its impact on risk fraud detection and mitigation.

Featured Resource: A Look Beyond What’s Next in Trends

The speed of technology, combined with the rapid evolution of trends, makes it challenging for brands to know what’s worth their time, attention, and resources. Find out which forward-thinking technologies and influences have the potential to revolutionize the retail landscape in Alliance Data’s A look beyond what’s next in trends.

Free E-Book: Why Your Affiliate Program Didn’t Perform in 2016

How did your affiliate program perform last year? If wasn’t the star of your marketing show, we’re here to help. Download this free e-book to find out the top reasons your affiliate program didn’t perform and how you can fix it in 2017.

Free Webinar: Runway to Revenue in 3 Hours

Hear how New York & Company (NY&C) delivered an immersive, shoppable experience to its online customers in hours instead of days. Join Paul S. Carroll, vice president of digital and e-commerce creative, to discover how NY&C created and launched a Fashion Week shoppable digital campaign in under three hours, and how you can drive revenue by creating real-time content campaigns.

Free Report: Bringing Digital Engagement In-Store

A whopping 74 percent of shoppers say they're interested in receiving messaging in-store from retailers. How are you creating digital experiences in your physical locations? Read this report to learn more about what baby boomers and millennials alike want from their retailers both during and after an in-store visit.

Featured Resource: IoT is Enhancing Supply Chain Management and Curbing Lost Sales

Better supply chain management is critical to curbing some $634 billion in lost sales — the amount that retailers lose annually due to out-of-stock items. Learn how mobile devices, wearables and IoT technology are boosting accuracy and speed of response, creating smarter warehouses and distribution centers, and enabling retailers to surpass their customers’ expectations.