Brandon Levey

Brandon Levey

Brandon Levey is the CEO and ThinkerUpper at Stitch Labs.

Why Your D-to-C Brand Should Think About Wholesale

As a brand with a direct-to-consumer (D-to-C) focus, you value your customers. And as a brand that values its customers, you’ve probably been advised — by any number of articles that come up with a quick Google search — to focus on D-to-C as it gives you the most control over the customer experience. This…

How SMBs Can Seize the Opportunity Left by the Fall of Big Box

It seems almost daily headlines report the fall of yet another large, reputable brand or the downsizing of a big-box retailer. In recent years, iconic retailers like Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors and Kate Spade, to name a few, have all lost significant shares of their market value. Where large brands are hurting, big-box retailers are…

How to Turn Holiday Shoppers Into Loyal Customers

Customer loyalty is essential to running a successful retail business. Retailers spend an enormous amount of time and money developing products their customers will love, messages that will resonate with their customers, and a buying experience that’s simple and straightforward. They think constantly of their customers and how to keep them, but that situation becomes…

Prepping Your Business for Overnight Success in a World of Kardashian Endorsements

After spending months — or in many cases, years — toiling over the many aspects of bringing a product to life, it’s every retailer’s dream for that product to be adopted by consumers with hefty enthusiasm for their business. In the past, this excitement was likely to build gradually over time through word-of-mouth endorsements or…

Must-Have Strategies and Technologies for Omnichannel Retailers

We’re living in the “Age of the Customer,” as Forrester Research is calling it, where customers are empowered by the internet and their mobile devices to demand an unprecedented level of service. At the very least, today’s consumers expect the stores they buy from to have a responsive, easy-to-navigate website; omnichannel presence; seamless mobile payment…

Why Retailers Are Losing Trillions of Dollars

Retailers that manage their inventory using spreadsheets or other antiquated systems are costing themselves a lot of time, which is ultimately money lost. Not having systems in place that automate inventory management is costing retailers money. From the redundancies and productivity losses incurred from paying employees to perform manual tasks that could be automated, to…

How to Offer Free Shipping When You Can’t Afford It

As we head into the holiday season, retailers are constantly looking for ways to stay competitive with the likes of and other big businesses that can afford to offer customer-enchanting incentives like door-buster deals and free shipping. However, these efforts can be costly and painfully confusing to implement. While the big players have automated…

3 Examples of Effective Retail Marketing

Marketing has never been just about selling. It’s about telling a story, conjuring a feeling and inspiring an audience. It’s about doing anything to make that ever-so-valuable connection with an entire community. People aren’t just buying a product, they’re buying a brand. If your brand is strong and you connect well with shoppers, then this…