Kyle Henderick

Kyle Henderick

Kyle Henderick is the senior director of client services at Yes Marketing, where he is responsible for helping major clients implement new programs, processes, and data-driven strategies to create campaigns that truly drive revenue. With a passion for technology implementation and a background in database, email, web, and social media marketing, Kyle turns his real-world experience into executable tactics to help clients see an incremental lift in revenue, subscriber engagement and customer retention.

In a Post-Holiday Season Rut? Try Unconventional Email Themes to Boost Engagement

The first half of the year can be a tough time for retail marketers. Consumers settle into the new year and are less eager to shop and engage with brands coming out of their holiday spending spree. In fact, email unsubscribe rates skyrocketed in the first half of 2018. The number of unsubscribes per delivered…

3 Tips to Maximize Your Black Friday Email Campaigns

While 37 percent of consumers worldwide will wrap up most of their gift-buying this year before Black Friday, a majority will still shop that day's promotional deals, making it a gold mine for brands. Most importantly, consumers are ready to spend this holiday season. According to the National Retail Federation, consumers plan to spend an…