Susan Wall

Susan Wall
Browsing, Buying or Both? An Analysis of Mobile Shopping Behavior Across Generations

Mobile technology’s advances allow us to shop anywhere at any time, including in-store. The way we research products, comparison shop and ultimately buy has all been transformed. However, it’s not enough to know that consumers are increasingly using mobile; it’s important to know how. Is it a popular choice for browsing, buying or both? In our…

A Digital Marketing Plan for 2018

Every year, we ask, “What are the next big trends in e-commerce marketing?” While there have been some constants in recent years, the list for 2018 is long and diverse. Should you focus on artificial intelligence? What about marketing automation? Is your website optimized for all devices? Are your emails properly segmented, personalized and focused…

Enhancing the Mobile Experience a Priority for Retailers

Two years ago, Oracle + Bronto published a research report that showed 38 percent of consumers were shopping from their phones. The nearsighted among us scratched their heads, but we knew the trend was here to stay and began offering advice on how to adapt to the era of smartphone shopping. Our newly released report,…

How to Empower Commerce Marketers to Build for Tomorrow

In an era when you can search for anything online in a matter of seconds, how do you encourage customers to ditch the search and, instead, return to your store again and again? I’d argue the key is genuine personalization … with a healthy dollop of seamless delivery. Personalization has been bantered about for years…

The Boost You Need to Grow Your Business Internationally

Every year, the percentage of e-commerce sales relative to overall retail sales is growing, which presents some great opportunities — particularly when it comes to selling globally. To gain some insight on this topic, Bronto commissioned a research report, “Beyond Borders: Identifying Global Sales in a Shrinking E-Commerce World." The consumer study, conducted by Ipsos…

What Should I Try Next: Commerce Marketers Share Best Practices

Do I create a welcome series? Further segment my email sends? Plan loyalty campaigns? Commerce marketers have lots of options to try and generate more revenue. Sometimes, the hardest part is choosing which strategies to go after. In our recent benchmark report, “We Asked, They Answered: Top Commerce Marketing Tactics Shared,” 300 of our customers…

Why Mobile-First is Imperative for Omnichannel Retailers

Consumers own multiple devices on which they can shop — laptops, smartphones, desktops, tablets and wearables. So how are they using them to browse and buy? Bronto sought to find out by commissioning Ipsos to survey 1,000 U.S. adults with access to at least one device. The results are both predictable — e.g., older individuals…

Get Serious About Responsive Design

My colleague’s teenage daughter won’t order anything that involves making a phone call. Pizza? They better have an online option, and it better be easy to use on a mobile device. If the pizzeria doesn’t offer one, she’ll go elsewhere. And she’s not alone. Today’s hyperconnected consumers — especially millennials and other young generations — are…

7 Ways to Check Out Your Checkout Process

A pro golfer is just one short putt away from winning the championship. He taps the ball, it rolls, teeters on the edge of the cup and then settles at the rim with no intention of dropping in. Argh. That’s pretty much how online retailers feel when a shopper has filled a cart and made…