Andrew Levi

Andrew Levi
The Power of POP Displays on the Path to Purchase

For decades, marketers have been trained to think of the path to purchase as a linear progression, leading from awareness to familiarity, consideration, purchase and finally loyalty. In accordance with this philosophy, marketers often believe they can influence consumers’ decisions by reaching them at just one or two stops along the way. However, today’s path…

Should We Be Worried About Beacons Being Hacked?

Since the hacks of Target and Home Depot that affected millions of consumers, retailers worldwide are concerned with their cybersecurity procedures and solutions now more than ever. In fact, attacks on POS systems remain the top source of confirmed data breaches according to Verizon’s 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report. In addition, the increased use of in-store mobile technology, such as beacons, brings added risk to retailers by providing another potential entry point that hackers can manipulate.

The Keys to Increasing Mobile App Adoption

Did you know 90 percent of shoppers use their smartphones to make purchasing decisions while in-store? According to SessionM, the top activities consumers perform on their smartphones are comparing prices, researching product information and reading online reviews. Additionally, Forbes surveyed more than 1,600 millennials and found 47 percent had recently downloaded a mobile shopping app.…

The Magic Ingredients to a Successful App

With 51 percent of mobile users utilizing apps while shopping in-store, retailers have an opportunity to impact consumers and turn them into loyal customers right where they're already engaging — on their smartphones. Hundreds of apps are available to download, but the ones that will remain in the marketplace are those that leverage a user’s…