Anthony Nicalo

Anthony Nicalo

Anthony Nicalo is the VP Platform at Mobify, a mobile customer-engagement platform that facilitates all of a retailer’s real-time interactions with its mobile customers in one place. Nicalo guides and grows the platform capabilities for serving mobile marketing and extends the platform ecosystem through partnerships. Nicalo is a thought leader in digital marketing, an expert in omnichannel commerce, and a frequent presenter on the future of commerce, mobile retailing, and shopper marketing, including at Shopper Marketing Expo, iMedia Summits and Kantar Retail.

How to Capitalize on the Pokémon Go Craze

In the short time since its release in early July, the Pokémon Go app has gotten millions of players outside and moving. Worldwide, users are flocking to locations, or Pokéstops, where the pocket demons dwell — which could be inside your store. Brick-and-mortar stores, restaurants and other businesses that opt to pay the Pokémon franchise…

What You Can Learn From 3 Leading Omnichannel Retailers

According to Forrester, $1.5 trillion in retail sales start online and end in-store. Furthermore, research shows these omnichannel buyers have a 30 percent higher customer lifetime value (CLV). Want to earn a percentage of that enormous pie? To increase sales and see a higher CLV, online and brick-and-mortar retailers alike must make innovative omnichannel marketing initiatives…

3 Steps to Mobile Commerce Success in 2016

Last year, mobile commerce moved from promising opportunity to ubiquity. By the end of September, smartphone penetration in the U.S. reached 80 percent, and the 2015 holiday season saw nearly a 60 percent year-over-year rise in purchases on mobile devices. With the number of mobile-only users now exceeding desktop-only users for the first time in history, 2016 presents a major…

4 Omnichannel Tactics to Boost Conversions This Holiday Season

The future of commerce is here, and it's omnichannel retail. Cyber Monday was the single biggest online shopping day ever. Mobile led the way, with a 27.6 percent increase in sales from last year. However, while mobile sales are on the rise, shoppers are still spending the bulk of their holiday budgets in physical retail stores. If you concentrate on one channel alone, you're going to lose out on potential customers. The best thing you can do is to take advantage of mobile, e-commerce, and brick-and-mortar retail this year. Here are four tactics for using an omnichannel approach to increase conversions among holiday shoppers:

Transactional Marketing is the Future of Advertising

Gone are the days of cheesy banner ads and flashy display ads, where clicks only happened by pure accident. Consumers have become immune to these digital billboards, and advertisers are scrambling to find new ways to get their attention. These days, if you want consumers to even notice your ad, you need to deliver something of value — content that provides utility, not interruption. This is where transactional marketing comes into play.