Scott McLaren

Scott McLaren
4 In-Store Benefits Customers Can’t Score Online

Today’s connected world has seen many retail transactions move online, especially when it comes to younger shoppers. Despite the trend, brick-and-mortar retailers can still compete. How? With a little effort, you can lure consumers back to the sales floor by offering them benefits they just can’t find online. Here are four to consider: 1. Attentive customer…

4 Steps to Make CRM Easy

"Actions speak louder than words." It’s an age-old adage that's withstood the passing of generations, technological revolutions and social reconstructions. And it can be applied to almost every aspect of our lives, including business. Any great retail business is built with customers at the center, but — as the adage would suggest — that means…

4 Simple Solutions for Sharpening Your CRM

Maybe it’s a service call, a simple plan adjustment, or even that first Google search looking for a provider. No matter the reason or method, each and every customer encounter is crucial. However, if the bulk of a consumer’s experience with a company is made up of a series of small interactions – e.g., a…