Fayez Mohamood

Fayez Mohamood
3 Ways Retailers Can Usher in the Age of Personal Commerce

It’s been over a year since store-first brands suddenly found themselves on the same digital playing field as pure-play direct-to-consumer (D-to-C) brands for the first time in history. One of the many things we learned from this unintentional experiment is that brands that once generated up to 85 percent of their revenue offline simply weren’t…

CFOs to CMOs: Why Optimize for Revenue When You Can Optimize for Growth?

The retail industry has experienced more bankruptcies in the past few months than we’ve seen in years. Naturally, financial teams have been auditing their investments and operating costs, and looking for opportunities to eliminate waste and redundancies. I’ve participated in a number of CFO-driven meetings over the last several months, designed to give financial executives…

4 Barriers to Data-Centric Personalization

Personalization seems like a simple enough concept, right? Wrong. Though the industry has been talking about it for years, very few retail marketers are connecting with customers in meaningful ways. The largest challenge standing in the way of true personalization is data – and that’s no simple feat. Where do you get it? How do…