Peter McLachlan

Peter McLachlan
How to Harness Google Tech for Instant E-Commerce

Shoppers like to make purchases quickly, especially when using their phones. When pages are slow to load, they miss out — and so do retailers. Speed has a well-documented correlation with conversion rate: the faster your site, the more visitors will convert. Pages can be slow to load for a lot of reasons, including third-party…

3 Ways Web-Based Payments Benefit Customers and Retailers

Mobile is where most customers like to shop, having recently surpassed desktop in traffic volume, but the process isn’t always streamlined, which is most evident in smartphones’ lower conversion rates. Browsing and adding items to a cart is fun, fast, and easy. Checkout is another story. Checkout is a major headache in mobile buying, but…

3 Ways Web-Based Payments Benefit Customers and Retailers

Mobile is where most online customers like to shop, having recently surpassed desktop in traffic volume. However, the process isn’t always streamlined, which is most evident in smartphones’ lower conversion rates. Browsing and adding items to a cart is fun, fast and easy. Checkout is another story. Checkout is a major headache in mobile buying … at…

3 Customer-Focused Mobile Strategies That Drive Profits 

Growth is the No. 1 priority for retail CEOs. Growth is good; profitable growth is even better. However, profitable growth is becoming harder to achieve, thanks to two powerful forces in e-commerce squeezing profit margins for brands: competitive pricing and rising customer acquisition costs. To combat shrinking margins, smart companies are moving beyond simply improving…