Deren Baker

Deren Baker
Stand Out in a Global Economy by Understanding the Customer Journey

Many major e-commerce players such as, Taobao, Tmall and have already gone global, and they’re erasing customer borders for other retailers. Now, merchants in countries like China can access consumers in the U.S. and vice versa. While reaching new customers worldwide has its benefits (Chinese customers account for about half of e-commerce purchases,…

Use Customer Data to Succeed When Amazon Enters Your Marketplace

Retail giant recently expanded its new Handmade marketplace, similar to Etsy, where artisans can sell handcrafted goods. Considering Amazon’s scale and widespread consumer audience, other online marketplaces have reason to be concerned. With its one-hour delivery rolling out across the U.S. and rumors of its own delivery service emerging, Amazon has perfected supply chain logistics. Unlike many companies, it…

4 Ways to Use Customer Data to Win the Amazon Game

With more and more brands selling their products on, there's increasing discussion about the pros and cons of doing so. Selling on Amazon makes sense because that’s where consumers are. However, listing on the marketplace can decrease the number of visitors to a brand's e-commerce site, where they're better able to convert traffic to sales. The…