Sean Brady

Sean Brady

Sean Brady is President of Emarsys Americas, a provider of B-to-C marketing automation software.

Among an Avalanche of Choices, How to Choose B-to-C Software for Your E-Commerce Company

The e-commerce industry will be responsible for about $3.45 trillion in sales this year, and is only continuing to grow. It’s not surprising that business-to-consumer (B-to-C) e-commerce is a huge part of this growth, with the global B-to-C e-commerce market expected to reach over $7.7 billion by 2025. For brands that want to create meaningful…

4 Best Practices When Switching to Omnichannel Marketing Automation

Omnichannel marketing is really about experiences. It’s achieved when a brand delivers a seamless experience to customers, regardless of the channel, device or context in which their interactions take place. While this united marketing front may seem like an unrealistic utopia, it’s really more of a critical requirement of tomorrow’s winning brands. Savvy marketers might…

Top 5 Marketing Resolutions Retailers Must Acknowledge Before 2017

As 2016 ends, retail marketers and senior executives will take a long, hard look at their company’s margins over the last year, goals that were attained, best practices that worked and strategies that didn’t — all in an effort to reprioritize and gear up for success in the New Year. Retailers should always keep in…

The Reality of Retail: Marketing Beyond the Moment

If you had a dime for each time you’ve been told you need to reach the omnichannel customer, you’d have at least $20. I think I’m up to $45.90. This relentless, finger-wagging nag isn’t unjustified. The always-on availability of cheap, high-speed internet connections and the warp-speed evolution of mobile devices has created a consumer that…