Jake Weatherly

Jake Weatherly

Jake Weatherly is the CEO of SheerID, a digital offer verification platform.

Understanding Consumer Attitudes Towards Personalization and Privacy

Data privacy scandals like Cambridge Analytica have seized the public consciousness and pulled into sharp focus the need for a consent-driven approach to marketing. Consumers want personalized offers, but they also want to control their personal information. This prevailing opinion was captured in our latest survey, Privacy, Personalization, and Promotions, which polled a cross-section of…

The Omnichannel Experience: Small Changes That Yield Big Results

By now, it’s more than obvious that focusing on a single channel is not a long-term, sustainable business model. Even while storefronts are struggling, the organizations that master how to create a seamless experience for customers using in-store, online and mobile strategies are poised for growth. A recent study from Harvard Business Review looked at…

Why Consumers Abandon Shopping Carts During the Holidays

There's been an influx of reports predicting that this year’s holiday sales will continue on an upward trajectory. PwC forecasts that 2016 holiday spending will reach its highest peak since the Great Recession, at about a 10 percent increase from 2015 holiday sales. The National Retail Federation (NRF) projects that holiday sales will see a 3.6 percent…

Employ Big Data to Make the Holiday Retail Season Merry and Bright

While leveraging big data by using software, apps and point-of-sale technology can help retailers handle everything from holiday hiring to inventory management in the days leading up to and following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, one of the most useful applications for big data technology this holiday season is in countering showrooming, a phenomenon that's been on every brick-and-mortar retailer's mind as they make preparations for their busiest season of the year.