Gina Daniel-Lee

Gina Daniel-Lee

Gina Daniel-Lee is the VP of Strategic Alliances at Velociti, Inc.

How Deployment as a Service Manages Retail Complexity

Retail has always been a complicated business, with thousands of SKUs to track from the supply chain to the customer, stock management, seasonality, and promotions. Payment networks added another layer of technological complexity, and today retailers must stay current with omnichannel integration, sales floor wireless networks, beacons, mobile checkout and much more. Of course, complexity…

A Better Way to Think About Technology Deployment

The supermarket aisle, the sporting goods showcase, and the fashion boutique are all on the cutting edge of brick-and-mortar retail customer interaction, which is increasingly mediated by technology. Now that customers and technology can no longer be separated, prepare to think holistically about your customer experience infrastructure (CXI). Not long ago, the typical retailer’s infrastructure…