Pamela Sullins

Pamela Sullins
4 Lessons CPG Brands Can Learn From L’Oreal’s New Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty has long been a challenge for consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands. Often at the mercy of retailers to incentivize customers to purchase, CPG marketers sometimes struggle to implement effective, data-backed strategies that entice customers to keep buying their products when surrounded by a glut of other options on the store shelf. That’s why…

Don’t Make These Mistakes With Your Loyalty Program During the Holidays

As the holiday season heats up competition among retailers, it’s tempting to entice shoppers with discounts and deals. However, with so many companies seeking the same ends, marketers must work to drive customer loyalty through engagement and experience. Smart marketers use loyalty programs not just as discount hubs, but as long-term opportunities to communicate with shoppers and…