Ivy Shtereva

Ivy Shtereva
3 Strategies to Keep Your Email Subscribers Engaged

Despite years of speculation that consumers are too overwhelmed with the volume of marketing emails to open them, new data from Yes Lifecycle Marketing indicates that subscribers are actually interested in those emails. At the same time, the report shows that an eagerness among consumers to receive and open marketing emails is simply not enough…

Personalization, Innovation Go Hand-in-Hand for Marketers

When it comes to marketing technology, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are the talk of the town. The New York Times and IBM, for example, are teaming up to promote a new movie with their AR app, and this year sports fans could view Super Bowl LI highlights in VR. Big brands are…

3 Mobile Marketing Mistakes to Avoid This Holiday Season

This year, smartphone users are predicted to top 2.08 billion worldwide. Not only is ownership increasing, but smartphone users are becoming more dependent upon their devices as well. Eighty-nine percent of adults check their smartphones several times per day or more, and over a third of consumers are never able to fully disconnect from their…

The Mobile Commerce Tipping Point

Mobile revenue is at a record high. Though positive sentiment toward mobile commerce has been building for several years, we may finally be approaching the tipping point — i.e., the moment when the marketplace accepts mobile as a primary purchasing channel. Mobile has become so successful at driving revenue that big-name retailers like Wal-Mart, J.C.…