Linda Mihalick

Linda Mihalick

Linda Mihalick is a lecturer in the department of Merchandising and Digital Retailing at the College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism at the University of North Texas. She is also the Senior Director of the Global Digital Retailing Research Center at UNT.

The Lost Art of a Thank-You Culture

Technology is great. It has fueled innovation, increased reach to larger customer audiences, and provided broader product access to everyone. However, we know that sometimes simplicity is powerful. In all of our racing to be best and first to win the customer, the art of a simple verbal thank you has been lost. Sincere appreciation…

Trip Report: A Front Row Seat at Shoptalk 2019

Last week’s trip to Shoptalk in Las Vegas was my second, engaging in one of the retail industry’s most in-touch conferences. I always approach these trips with the goal of trying to get an overview of three things: what challenges are troubling retailers the most and who is working to solve them; what new trends…

The Cost of Instant Gratification

We now live in a commerce environment where we quite literally can have any product whim fulfilled, and in many cases, in our hands the same or next day, at the enticing price of free. And why shouldn’t we? Amazon’s Prime Now, UberRush and Instacart make bold promises of delivery within hours of order placement. Well, possibly, we might be well advised to consider the longer term implications.

The Changing Definition of Convenience

From Ray Kroc’s first McDonald’s in 1955 to Pop-Tarts to microwaves, consumers have long placed a high value on convenience. And why shouldn’t we? Time is the greatest equalizer, no matter your position in the work world or your wealth. It's our most precious commodity. We all have the same amount of it, as well as the choice on how we spend this currency.

Retailer Digital Disruption: Why an Organizational Shift is Needed Now, Part 2

 Part one of this series, Retailer Digital Disruption: Why an Organizational Shift is Needed Now, was featured in Total Retail's Fall print issue. Below is part two. As difficult as it can be, traditional retailers must re-architect their organizations through the lens of their customer’s complete user experience, embracing a seamless cross-channel point of view…

Retailer Digital Disruption: Why an Organizational Shift is Needed Now

Currently there are two types of retailers selling online: digital natives such as and Warby Parker, and traditional brick-and-mortar retailers that expanded their operations into this channel. The DNA of digital natives is often designed to build, test, learn and analyze, and then adapt and change. At these types of companies, this behavior is…

Is Online Grocery Ordering a Fresh Idea That Will Grow Profits?

Online grocery shopping began heating up like a pot of boiling soup in late 2016. With the recent acquisition of Whole Foods by, it seems everyone has an opinion on the long-term viability of digital groceries. Is it a new concept? No, but it certainly seems its time has finally come. It’s hard to…

The Other ‘I’

The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) has been around for some time. Have you ever wondered, “Do I have it?” If you’re considered a strong, likeable leader and looked upon as an authority figure, chances are you’ve evolved to become smart and skilled at navigating the company hallways. But do you shine in this area…

Be Like Madonna and Transform Yourself Like a Chameleon

Throughout the 80s and 90s, pop-star Madonna was the undisputed master of continually reinventing herself. To the passive observer, her ability to adapt and change just ahead of her popularity waning likely seemed lucky and unchoreographed. However, if analyzed, it's amazing to observe how just as one trend was hitting the downside of the bell…

Agents of Change

If you’re an executive who has worked for a company that’s been around for a long time, congrats. The fact that your employer survived the tumultuous retail climate of 2008 and the digital disruption that has occurred since is to be applauded. Often in these organizations, we find team members who have proudly logged 20-plus…

5 Strategies to Help You Hire Digitally Savvy Staff

In the role of vice president of e-commerce and marketing, I’ve managed teams of well over 100 associates. It seemed there was always an open position to hire due to promotion, a newly created role or someone moving on. We've all experienced the pain of hiring the wrong person for the job. Hiring the right…