Chris Edmonds

Chris Edmonds

Chris Edmonds is a speaker, author, and executive consultant who is the founder of The Purposeful Culture Group

Want to WOW Your Customers? WOW Your Employees First

How inspired are your employees every day? Are they excited to serve each other and your customers, and nimble and ready to deal with the curve balls business undoubtedly will provide that day? Or are they not enthused about their work, their peers or their customers? More interested in their smartphones than in engaging with…

Managing Results is Half the Leader’s Job. The Other Half: Managing Workplace Values

How well is your business performing today? Whether you're a healthcare practitioner, health food and product retailer, or manufacturer, I’ll bet you know exactly how your business is performing. You track sales, results, profits and more, every day. How well is your business operating today? In other words, how do people treat each other in…