Luke Wilwerding

Luke Wilwerding
The 2018 Retail Landscape Will Be Driven by Digital Experiences

One sector of the retail industry that has taken a beating the past few years has been brick-and-mortar stores. And it’s no wonder; online spending continues to climb. Store closures across the country are happening in record numbers, with 8,600 stores closing in 2017. Predictions of retail’s demise make headlines. However, these calls are overblown, as savvy…

The Point of Sale is Evolving and Retailers Need to Keep Up

It’s no secret that to stay in business, retailers need to continuously evolve to meet the changing demands of shoppers in an increasingly digital world. Millennials, in particular, are avid users of touchscreens and the use of interactive touch solutions comes naturally to them. As a result, retailers are installing different forms of technology at…