Christine Alemany

Christine Alemany

Christine Alemany is the CEO at Trailblaze Growth Advisors. She has a passion for helping early- to midstage companies grow and scale. Christine has more than 18 years of experience reinvigorating brands, building demand generation programs, and launching products for startups and Fortune 500 companies. In addition to her work at TBGA, she advises startups through Columbia Business School’s Summer Startup program and is a teaching fellow at the NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center.

5 Tips to Build an E-Commerce Revenue Loop

E-commerce startups need funding. To get it, they need to impress VCs with robust user acquisition numbers. Understandably, many founders obsess about how many users they can bring in. Too much focus on acquisition, however, can actually hurt the company in the long run. While it's necessary to prioritize acquisition in the early days, e-commerce…