Jeff Cheal

Jeff Cheal

Jeff Cheal is the director of product strategy for personalization, campaign and analytics at Episerver. Follow him on Twitter @badiehard or email him at

3 Ways Retailers Can Work Smarter to Create Content

Whether it's blogs or banner ads, promotions or product pages, search ads or social posts, marketers and merchants are tasked with creating an extensive amount of content. They need copy and images to fill blank pages, to deliver the right information to the right person at the right time, and to keep their site current…

How IT and Marketing Departments Can Work it Out … Even in the Cloud

Change is hard and, for many, not well received. When change happens fast, people tend to reject it and hold onto the control they're familiar with, often creating new unexpected conflicts. Marketing teams and IT departments are now blended in the wake of the migration of web content from “infrastructure” to “marketing asset,” and the…