Alexandra McPeak

Alexandra McPeak

Alex McPeak is a Content Marketing Specialist at Zaius, the B2C CRM that connects customer data and orchestrates your campaigns. In her role, she strives to assist marketers at every touchpoint in the customer journey and stay atop of the trends of retail and e-commerce.

Why Back-to-School is Important for All Retail Marketers

It may seem that the back-to-school season is only relevant to parents, teachers, and retailers that specialize in classroom essentials, but that’s not necessarily true. When back-to-school shopping is anticipated to generate $80.7 billion in sales, it would be wise for all retail marketers to adjust their e-commerce strategy for the fall. Here are a few…

How to Prepare Your Site for Seasonal Flash Sales

The feeling of summer is in the air, which is a worthy excuse to hold a sale. Between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Prime Day, and everything in between, businesses are handing out discounts once the weather turns warm. But is your site truly ready for the seasonal flash…

Beware of Visual Bugs Compromising User Experience

If you’re testing your website to make sure it works properly for visitors, you’re off to a good start. However, many companies overlook the importance of visual testing — i.e., evaluating layout, images, text, design, and other visual components. As the number of browsers, devices, operating systems and screen sizes explode, teams need to be…

6 Website Flaws That Will Chase Your Customers to a Competitor

Your website is the first impression you make on a user and the last you leave. It will either provide an intuitive experience or a frustrating one. It has the power to either engage prospects or deter them, inviting them to make a purchase or encouraging them to seek out a competitor instead. According to…

Catching Up on Quality Assurance in the Dog Days of Summer

Summer goes by fast, but it can feel really slow when you’re stuck at work — especially when it seems like the office is empty and everyone has taken the week off. But just because there may not be any urgent projects demanding your time or teammates demanding your attention, it doesn’t mean you can’t be…

Performing a Risk Analysis of Your E-Commerce Website

When you operate an e-commerce website, there are probably a few things that are high on your list of priorities: functionality, usability, mobile friendliness and performance come to mind. But sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly which test cases you should spend your time and energy on. The key is understanding your application…

9 Types of Web Testing for Your Business to Survive

What does it take to run a successful retail business? A few years ago, it was about the quality of your brick-and-mortar business. Fast-forward to today, and it’s all about your online experience. However, while consumers have become better acquainted with technology, many business owners are still adapting to the digital landscape. In order to…