Kristin McGrath

Kristin McGrath

Kristin McGrath is the editor of, which tracks and analyzes deals during major shopping holidays, including Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Prime Day.

4 Ways Retailers Can Harness Black Friday and Cyber Monday Momentum

The holiday shopping season has become increasingly condensed into Thanksgiving weekend. During this span of five days (Turkey Day through Cyber Monday), 79 percent of consumers will do “most of” their holiday shopping. That’s according to a survey of 1,500 U.S. adults conducted in September by Those shoppers will be spending an average of $335…

How Retailers Can Use Prime Day’s Momentum

As Prime Day approaches, will be in the spotlight. But this summer deals bonanza will cast a glow on the retail industry as a whole. With consumers, well, primed to shop, expect an atmosphere similar to that of Black Friday. In fact, thanks to Prime Day and competing sales that cluster around it, this…