Jordan Koene

Jordan Koene

Jordan Koene is the CEO of Searchmetrics Inc., the search and content optimization specialist and a wholly owned subsidiary of Searchmetrics GmbH.

At Searchmetrics Inc., he works with enterprise businesses to provide SEO and content strategies that maximize the value of their marketing mix, using best-in-class search technology. Jordan has presented at industry events around the world, including SMX, Pubcon, and the Digital Summit series. Prior to joining Searchmetrics, Jordan led the eBay SEO team where he developed and executed their SEO marketing programs.

4 Ways to Improve Google Search Performance This Holiday Shopping Season

With Google playing a big part in consumers online shopping research, here are four tips to help retailers maximize organic search performance and win seasonal traffic and conversions: 1. Keep holiday content fresh year-round. Some retailers make the mistake of removing their holiday pages from their site at the end of every shopping season. This…

Retailers’ Google Strategies Need to Get Niche-Specific

Retailers’ organic search strategies on Google should now be tightly tailored to the niche they operate in. That’s because artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are helping the search engine to pinpoint more clearly than ever the specific factors that best satisfy queries for different niches, topics and user intentions. This is the main takeaway…