Henry Gutierrez

Henry Gutierrez

Henry Gutierrez is senior email strategist at Return Path, an email deliverability expert that helps marketers drive revenue through email.

Through different roles in the industry, Henry Gutierrez has 12-plus years of email expertise combating spam, enforcing compliance, and maximizing email delivery. His current position as Senior Email Strategist for Return Path allows him to leverage his strengths in data analytics and communication. Across several verticals, Henry has helped clients digest actionable recommendations to maximize their email program’s ROI.

Managing the Demand of Sending to Risky Email Subscribers

Nearly everyone involved in email marketing can say that they’ve deployed a campaign to a list of subscribers they probably shouldn’t have. This includes sending to unengaged subscribers, maximizing the use of the database, or purchasing a third-party list. And it’s not that email marketers don’t know what's risky and what isn’t. The sending of…

Email Delivery vs. Deliverability: What’s the Difference?

In email marketing, the delivery and deliverability rate do not carry the same meaning, even though senders frequently use them interchangeably. Both are important to track, but succeeding at one is much more impressive than the other. While the delivery rate is a key first step in reaching subscribers, it's a metric where even the…

4 Ways to Make Your Transactional Emails Work Harder

A constant challenge for marketers is properly crafting a transactional message after a customer has made a purchase. What should be included? How much promotional content can it contain? How many emails can be sent? While the main purpose of a transactional email should always be to confirm the actual purchase and costs, post-purchase emails…

Email Preferences Help Reduce Subscriber Churn

Research shows that the average unsubscribe rate for retailers is 0.27 percent per email. For a retailer with 1 million subscribers sending three emails per week, this means losing almost 350,000 email subscribers a year. And that’s only if you’re average. Factor in that acquisition costs much more than retention, and that should be reason…

Understanding New Email Subscribers Acquired During the Holidays

For 2018, Forrester estimated that U.S. online shopping would reach $151 billion. The holiday season was expected to see a 1.7 percent increase in spending. The holiday season is the most important time of the year for most retailers, filled with a great opportunity to engage current customers and acquire new ones. There's a common misconception…

Forcing Email List Acquisition Doesn’t Work

“We’re not sending email to enough people!” Heard that before? While “quality over quantity” is still the conventional wisdom, top-level management loves the big numbers. Unfortunately there’s no easy (or profitable) way to corner customers into giving up their email addresses. The quality of those addresses matters greatly. Let’s take a look at some metrics…