Rob Keve

Rob Keve

Rob Keve is the co-founder and CEO of Flow Commerce, a global cross-border e-commerce platform that enables brands and retailers to sell their products to customers internationally by creating a localized shopping experience. For more information, visit

3 Tips to Delight Cross-Border Shoppers This Holiday Season

A recent study reveals that consumers are more willing than ever to shop internationally. Flow Commerce’s research of the top eight global markets (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, U.K., and the U.S.) found that three out of four online consumers (76 percent) have shopped on websites outside their home countries, up from 69 percent in…

5 Ways Technology Can Solve Cross-Border E-Commerce Barriers for Retailers

Over the past 16 months, consumers have increasingly discovered how easy it is to buy unique goods from international retailers. E-commerce websites saw unprecedented growth in traffic as home-bound shoppers turned to the internet for their most essential items when in-store shopping was no longer an option. And coming out of the pandemic, many consumers…

3 Tips for Successfully Launching E-Commerce Brands Internationally

Picture a fast-growing digitally native vertical brand (DNVB) based in the U.S. After a few years of establishing a great relationship with American consumers and growing domestic popularity, it’s time to expand into new territory and sell cross-border. Global expansion has the power to transform a brand from a small, local player to a global…