Tom Schneider

Tom Schneider

Tom Schneider is an interactive experience consultant at Harbor Retail. He has more than 25 years of experience in the development, deployment, and operational support of interactive technology experiences for retailers, corporate environments, museums, and public space projects. Before coming to Harbor, Schneider worked for 13 years at Target and 24 years at Best Buy, bridging the gap between IT and store design. Schneider has industry knowledge across a broad spectrum of technologies related to retail, consumer electronics, and their supporting infrastructures.

Schneider created technology experiences for children at Target House, a housing facility associated with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and consulted on the technology platforms to support interactive experiences at Robert J. Ulrich’s Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix.

6 Ways Retailers Can Ensure Branded Interactive Experiences Don’t Overpower Their Brand  

The relationship between vendors and retailers has changed dramatically over the past 25 years. Retailers used to design a merchandising solution around the voice of their "own brand products" first. So when introducing a new vendor product to their location, retailers maintained ownership of the experience, with the vendor viewed as a partner. These roles…