Matthew Levin

Matthew Levin

Matthew Levin is the Global Head of Marketing at Nosto, a leader in ecommerce personalization and artificial intelligence for digital commerce.

What Most E-Commerce Brands Get Wrong About A/B Testing — And How You Can Get it Right

Most retailers are familiar with how A/B testing can help them optimize different elements of their website to increase engagement, conversions and, ultimately, revenue. From product recommendations to banner images to discounting levels, there's almost an infinite number of elements that can be tested to improve the experience of each site visitor. Most retailers at…

Sizing Up Mobile Shoppers: A Critical Skill for Fashion Commerce

In the movie "Pretty Woman," the salespeople thought they could evaluate exactly what type of shopper Julia Roberts was based on her looks. They were wrong and she took her business elsewhere, later telling them they had made a “big mistake” as she displayed arms full of shopping bags from other stores. Similar assumptions about…