Ross Kramer

Ross Kramer

Ross Kramer is Co-Founder and CEO of Listrak, a marketing automation platform for retailers.

3 Essential Marketing Strategies for a Successful Holiday Season

The holiday season will make or break revenue goals for almost every retailer this year. Thankfully, most states resumed in-person shopping in some capacity, but a lot of uncertainty remains about how the retail industry will fare. In this period of uncertainty, there's one constant: this upcoming holiday season will be critical for retailers negatively…

What Social Distancing Means for Retail Marketers

The past few weeks have been filled with global uncertainty, and the retail industry has been heavily impacted since the national state of emergency was declared on March 13. Despite the recent industry turmoil, Listrak data from the two weeks following the declaration shows that overall e-commerce sales have jumped 31 percent year-over-year, demonstrating a…

Untapped and Unfiltered: How to Win 2020 With a Solid SMS Marketing Strategy

Entering the new year, retailers are focused on outperforming competitors and the previous year’s shopper experiences. To maximize marketing spend, retailers need to approach their marketing framework with a cross-channel strategy: beyond tried-and-true email and social towards underutilized channels like push notifications and SMS. I’ll focus on the latter channel in this article. Ignoring SMS…