Kate Pioryshkina

Kate Pioryshkina

Kate Pioryshkina has over eight years of experience in IT, negotiating countless development projects and an eye for bottlenecks in development that modern businesses struggle to overcome. This skill allows her to identify specific business pain points and allocate the most appropriate resources from iflexion’s talented pool of developers. “Exceeding expectations” is her professional motto.

She has the global experience necessary to understand cultural nuances of any project: locale, target audience, and goals. When it’s “go time” there’s no stone left unturned. But outside of work, she loves to travel, explore new destinations, ideas, cultures, and technologies. She’s also a film buff who enjoys a good movie.

6 Techniques to Take E-Commerce Personalization to the Next Level

Personalized shopping is one of the hottest e-commerce trends in recent years. The thing is, it’s not a new concept. For example, David Meerman Scott, a popular marketing visionary, talked about real-time personalization back in 2010. Why is e-commerce personalization all the rage right now, then? It all makes sense. Customers are tired of sifting through…