Mike Farrell

Mike Farrell

Mike Farrell is senior director of integrated digital strategy for Sidecar, a performance marketing technology company. The company offers performance marketing excellence to retailers and brands. Sidecar’s advanced technology and proprietary data, combined with years of performance marketing expertise, help its customers unlock the full potential of today’s most powerful search, shopping, social, and marketplace channels.

As a retail marketing strategist, fluent in paid search, shopping ads, affiliates, email, display, and comparison shopping engines, Farrell stays close to the shifting retail landscape and how it’s impacting marketing strategy.

20 Pieces of Advice for Marketing During the Coronavirus

Digital and e-commerce marketers are rethinking their plans as the coronavirus continues to impact the retail industry. Here are 20 positive steps we’re seeing retail marketers take to work through the current volatility and prepare for the post-COVID-19 environment. These tactics come into play for marketing overall, as well as for paid campaigns on search,…

Stats Retailers Can’t Ignore When Crafting Their Google Ads Strategy

Google is fast at work refining and consolidating its Ads platform. The tech giant has rolled out a number of new features and ad formats that increase automation across channels, improve the mobile experience, and drive in-store shopping. As Google Ads has evolved, so too must retailers’ performance marketing strategies. My employer, Sidecar, a performance…