Nikki Frazer-Reid

Nikki Frazer-Reid

Nikki Frazer-Reid is the vice president of marketing at Quotient, a CPG digital commerce marketing solutions provider. In her role, Nikki is responsible for marketing across the digital promotions, media, and analytics company to drive growth in the B2B and B2C sectors through demand generation, communications, product marketing and marketing operations. With a knack for creativity, strategy and passion for data, she has spent her whole career in the tech industry, previously holding executive roles at Triplebyte and Planview (via acquisition of Spigit).

Why Social Engagement With Consumers is More Important Than Ever

As shelter-in-place rules continue to change across the country, it’s an important time for brands to stay connected with consumers. Social media is a tool that makes this possible, and a spike in impression inventory across paid media campaigns underscores its success in doing so. In fact, according to internal reporting data from my company,…