Scott T. Reese

Scott T. Reese

Scott T. Reese is a passionate leader, a “what’s next” enthusiast, and an arbiter of progress — with the detail-oriented, get-it-done attitude needed to make sure those big ideas are actually accomplished. Scott is currently serving as chief technology officer at Harbor Retail, where he helps bring Harmonic Retail™ to life with intuitive Self-Healing Technology™.

He spent the first 10 years of his career learning how to be an effective, inspiring leader in the United States Marine Corps. Then, he spent the past two decades collaborating to make a difference as an expert in corporate process and an effective consultant in the field of technology.

6 Dos and Don’ts of a Touchless Shopping Experience Post-COVID-19

Just the other day, I took my son to the hardware store to pick up supplies for a project. We were both wearing masks, naturally. You can’t get into the store without one. As we browsed, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort at all the visual cues for social distancing. At checkout,…

4 Essential Tips for Improving Inventory Management and Winning Lifelong Customers

At first glance, inventory management may appear far removed from the customer experience. However, it can be just as integral to shoppers as mobile apps, self-checkout, and in-store displays. In fact, companies that prioritize improving this process often see a rapid improvement in customer sales and loyalty. In January, Business Insider reported that Walmart was leading the…