Andreas Slotosch

Andreas Slotosch

Andreas Slotosch is the chief growth officer and co-founder of Beekeeper, the collaborative productivity suite for your frontline workforce. Beekeeper’s mobile platform brings communications and tools into one place to improve agility, productivity, and safety. Prior to his work at Beekeeper, Andreas played a role in founding various companies and events. Andreas specializes in frontline worker technology and entrepreneurship within the internet industry.

6 Steps Grocers Can Take to Empower Their Frontline Workers With Technology

E-commerce in the grocery industry was already climbing in the past few years, with 23 percent of U.S. households shopping for groceries online in 2017. Today, however, a growing number of households have picked up the online grocery habit throughout COVID-19, with 43 percent saying they’re likely to continue with this even after the pandemic…