Elise Stieferman

Elise Stieferman

Elise Stieferman is the Director of Client Strategy and Development at Coegi, an all-in-one premium marketing partner for media professionals seeking a streamlined way to leverage programmatic and social solutions. Coegi enables marketers to become digital heroes among co-workers and clients by empowering them with best-in-class strategies, technologies, and expertise through simplified partnerships. Elise holds an MBA and a master’s in communication and journalism from the University of Missouri.

4 Best Practices for Creating a Social Commerce Experience That Converts

Online shopping received a serious bump in 2020. So did its offshoot, social commerce. In fact, among the strongest trends in the e-commerce industry, making purchases from social platforms seems to be the one to watch due to its projected year-over-year sales bump of 35 percent. It only makes sense that people would start using social…