James Glover

James Glover

James Glover is the co-founder and CEO of Coherent Path, an email marketing optimization and email personalization solutions provider.

Poorly Performing Email Creatives Might Not Be 'Bad' Content. Here’s Why

Email teams can feel like they’re engaged in a constant trial-and-error process. It makes them reaction-based units rather than predictive. They send an email to customers, analyze its performance, rinse, and repeat, using the results to help them get better at sending the right content in the future. There are a few problems with this…

Experiential or Promotional: How Most Brands Use Email Marketing Incorrectly

Why do people prefer to travel to Paris instead of seeing the Eiffel Tower in pictures? Why were (and in some places, are) so many people eager to get back to live events like sports games and concerts during COVID restrictions? It comes down to experience. We might not be able to fully explain it,…

3 Ways You Can Turn Email Into a Retention Powerhouse

During COVID, many retailers have seen an increased number of customers buying online, which made 2020 the year of customer acquisition. Many companies are now struggling to retain them. Email and customer loyalty teams need to transform new customers into long-term revenue streams. Since email is the most commonly used tool to communicate with new…

David vs. Amazon: How Your Competitive Equation Changes Without In-Store Shopping

Much of e-commerce has become a David vs. Goliath proposition. On one side, you have retailers launching, expanding and improving their e-commerce operations. On the other side, there’s the looming presence of Amazon.com, which has used a vast product portfolio and fast shipping to become the go-to e-commerce destination. It's a daunting task to go…

How to Position Your Products in an Experience-Centric Marketplace

You don’t need another article to tell you that experience is king these days. Everywhere you look in business news, companies from CNBC to Entrepreneur to Adobe keep reminding you that today’s customers value experiences over products — and that it’s your job to become an experience-led business. This begs an obvious question: Where do…

Is it Better to Rent or Own Your Marketing Channels?

Controlling your communication with customers is the best way to ensure that every interaction with them is impactful and meaningful. However, if you’re only renting the channels through which you’re communicating, many factors of your messaging are beyond your control. Take channels like Facebook or Google, for example. These channels are rented, which means the…

A Healthy Email Diet Makes for Happier Customers — and Retailers

The key to a healthy diet is variety. Very few people are interested in having the same meal day-in and day-out. Similarly, your customers crave variety in the content you serve them. Since their preferences are constantly evolving, customers require fresh and different experiences to stay engaged. Delivering repetitive and similar email content won’t drive…

How to Automate Email Personalization While Maintaining Creative Control

When you’re interacting with millions of email subscribers, the only way to personalize content for each person on your list is with automation. But within many organizations, the idea of giving a machine control over email content isn’t exactly an easy sell — especially for brands that have spent decades refining their voice and visuals.…

How Moments of Meaning Deliver Magical Results for Your Email Program

Your subscribers hand over their email addresses for a reason. Nobody signs up voluntarily just to be marketed to — they expect something from you in return. If you aim to get return on investment from all those acquisition investments you’ve made, then start giving your subscribers the meaningful moments they’re hoping for, starting today.…

Wayfair Makes Shoppers’ Inboxes a Happy Place

Wayfair understands that making shoppers’ homes a happy place starts in the inbox. Like many large retailers without physical locations, Wayfair relies heavily on marketing to bring customers to its site. From catchy television jingles and direct mail pieces to savvy partnerships with social media influencers, Wayfair is a marketing machine. And its email program…

3 Things Every Retailer Can Learn From Email Test Sends

In the age of the customer, personalization has become critical to retail marketing success. Email personalization, specifically, has proved particularly effective, improving clickthrough rates by 14 percent and conversion rates by 10 percent, according to Aberdeen Group. Despite the proven value of email personalization, however, many retail marketers continue to rely on inefficient legacy tactics.…