Durk Stelter

Durk Stelter

Durk Stelter is CRO of Linc, the award winning customer experience automation platform working with brands such as Levi’s, Vineyard Vines, and GoPro.

3 Keys to Upgrading Your CX Strategy for the 2021 Holiday Season

Black Friday 2020 broke records, representing the second biggest e-commerce spending day in U.S. history. With 2021 likely to offer more of the same, competition for wallet-share has never been higher and the margin for customer experience (CX) errors never thinner. Retailers looking to gain an edge should focus on how they can upgrade their…

Best Practices for Omnichannel Order Support

2020 reshaped the current retail paradigm. And while brands are banking on some aspects of the shopping experience returning to “normal” post-pandemic, other changes brought about over the last year will be permanent. Chief among these is increased flexibility around order fulfillment, which necessitates much more refined customer communications. Options such as curbside pickup; buy…

Why Promotion Support Automation is the Next Leap Forward for Your CX

2020 was a decisive and divisive year for retailers. Those that had already embraced or were quick to embrace e-commerce were able to capitalize on the accelerated shift toward digital spurred by the pandemic and leverage its infrastructure competitors. Those that were slower off the mark are either still playing catch-up or have shuttered entirely.…

The Key Trends Reshaping CX in a Post-COVID Era

From small local boutiques to iconic department stores, no corner of the retail sector has been untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the separation between winners and losers has never been so stark. For every mall chain declaring bankruptcy, there’s a competitor that’s quickly responded to the new normal and is reaping the revenue benefits.…