Dave Bruno

Dave Bruno

Dave Bruno is director of retail market insights at Aptos, a global retail solutions provider to more than 1K retail brands.

The Resurgence of Retail Stores: 4 Ways Retailers Can Come Back With Staying Power

The recently revised National Retail Federation (NRF) forecast for even higher retail growth in 2021 makes one thing very clear to me: the resurgence of the brick-and-mortar store is definitely upon us. And as such, it’s important that retailers in every category ensure their omnichannel experiences are in excellent working order. As shoppers embark on…

Omnichannel Nirvana Remains Elusive: Why is the Customer Journey Still So Disjointed?

The desire to unify multiple channels in response to changing customer demands and the emergence of digital technologies, social media and mobile devices isn't new to retail. And yet, delivering an integrated, 360-degree omnichannel experience to customers still appears to be a stretch for many. Late in 2019, before the coronavirus changed everything, we set…