Jason Rosenbaum

Jason Rosenbaum

Jason Rosenbaum is the COO of Crowd Favorite. Jason is a forward-thinking executive with strong client-facing, financial, and operational experience. His proven leadership has resulted in improved performance across companies operating both in the U.S. and internationally. With a focus on management consulting and growth strategy, his experience in restructuring small businesses, managing multi-disciplined teams, and expertise in integration activities has led to success in building companies and delivering enterprise services.

What’s in Store for Retail in 2022?

If we’ve learned one thing over the last two years, it’s that predicting the future is nearly impossible. After all, few of us could have anticipated a need to stock up on face masks and basics such as toilet paper before March 2020. While the specifics are difficult to foretell, there are trends that we…

5 Steps to Get Your Website in Shape for a Competitive Q4

With the holidays right around the corner, retail brands will be looking for ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace. They’ll have to look hard, because they’ll be facing unprecedented competition. Over the past year, many B-to-B-to-C businesses battered by the pandemic shifted their infrastructure to eliminate the middleman, creating the most saturated direct-to-consumer…