Niels Henrik Sodemann

Niels Henrik Sodemann

Niels Henrik Sodemann has been CEO and co-founder of Queue-it since its inception in 2010. Prior to Queue-it, he had a track record of growing software companies from a small team to 100+ employee exit. Before his entry into the IT and website performance fields, Niels was a professional yachtsman, holding several championship titles. In his spare time, Niels is still a sportsman at heart and enjoys yachting, skiing, ice hockey and running. 

The Secret to Avoiding Website Crashes This Holiday Season

This September, a mere 30 customers waited online outside London’s flagship Apple store for the iPhone launch. Meanwhile, across the world, the Chinese Apple website crashed because of the sheer number of online shoppers. There’s no doubt about it: The days of consumers waiting outside stores and fighting over products are numbered. Retail is moving online.…