Ayal Steiner

Ayal Steiner
Ayal Steiner is the Vice President, Advertising at Outbrain, responsible for leading Advertising Sales and Commercial Strategy, globally.After completing his Master’s of Business Administration and working for several tech-startups in Product Strategy positions, Steiner joined Outbrain in 2012, launching both the Australia and New Zealand markets. He later became the Managing Director of the APAC business and oversaw expansion into several new markets in Asia.In 2017, he became Vice President of International Revenue, leading Commercial Strategy and Revenue across all markets outside of the United States before being promoted to Vice President.
7 Deadly Sins for Online Retailers to Avoid This Holiday Season

Fasten your seatbelts — it’s going to be a wild holiday shopping season. 2020 marked a profound shift in the way consumers shopped for the holiday season, from Black Friday (the biggest one of all time by a lot) to an extended and very merry Christmas for many retailers. In fact, online holiday revenue grew…