Michael Jaszczyk

Michael Jaszczyk

Michael Jaszczyk is the CEO of GK Software USA, a leading omnichannel solutions company.

How Dynamic Pricing Supports Seasonal Inventory Management

What do changing customer behaviors, supply chain disruptions and cold weather have in common? They all greatly impact order management. With all three factors converging during the next few months, managing seasonal inventory can prove to be a major challenge for retailers. In a recent report about the 2022 holiday season, McKinsey shared that “consumer…

Frictionless Commerce: An Evolution or Revolution?

As frictionless commerce continues to grow in popularity, retailers are identifying how to integrate the innovative technology into their overall business strategy. To do so, they must determine whether to evolve existing solutions or revolutionize existing processes to keep up with competition. While there are benefits to both approaches, there are three key considerations retailers…

3 Ways to Unlock Personalization In-Store

COVID-19 restrictions are lifting, which means more and more consumers are ready to enter brick-and-mortar stores again for their shopping needs. As retailers welcome back customers, it’s important to find ways to drive greater foot traffic with improved in-store capabilities. Personalization can help retailers win customers with unique, individual offers, but it’s often underutilized throughout…