Andy Orrock

Andy Orrock

For more than 30 years, Andy Orrock has created and been chief operator for innovative enterprise-class payment systems for Fortune 500 retailers. As COO, Andy oversees the strategic direction, development and operation of the processing systems that OLS provides. He’s been chief architect of a number of OLS services holding a patent for a bridge service designed to maximize uptime for retailers. Prior to OLS, Andy held positions at Tosco and S2 Systems.

A Boston native, Andy and his wife have called Dallas home now for more than 30 years. He is a fan of print media and still reads 3 printed versions of newspapers every morning.

3 Ways Retailers Can Prepare for the Future of Payments in 2022

Last year was full of innovations and transformations in the payments industry. In fact, more than four out of five Americans used some form of digital payment in 2021. This shift in digital adoption was accelerated by COVID-19, but with the impact of the pandemic continuing to shape how consumers shop and pay, retailers must also continue…