Stephanie Reeves Millner

Stephanie Reeves Millner

Stephanie Reeves Millner is the Executive Vice President, Strategic CX Solutions and Partnerships at Teleperformance, a leading global group in digitally integrated business services.

Your Customers Are Engaging With Video. Are You?

Ever since the beginning of the global pandemic, video has become the de facto channel for engaging with, well, just about everyone. Whether it’s your grandmother on Zoom or your grandson taking online classes, most people use video technology in their daily lives. In 2019, the global video streaming market was valued at more than…

The Buying Power of Gen Z: Courting Their Influence in Real Time

Gen Z is bright, aware of the world around them, and mature beyond their years in many ways. Many view this generation as the most diverse in American history, and they're shaping up to be the most well-educated, according to Pew Charitable Trusts. More importantly, they have a lot of spending power. Gen Z already…

Promoting Health and Wellness for Customer Service Representatives

Now that the 2021 holiday shopping season is behind us, and returns are in full force, many of the challenges for the retail industry (and opportunities) for the new year remain. These include supply chain disruptions, empty shelves, the Great Resignation, widespread web outages, and more. It’s not unreasonable to think that many customers may…