Mike Myer

Mike Myer

Mike Myer is the founder and CEO of Quiq. Before founding Quiq, Mike was Chief Product Officer & VP of Engineering at Dataminr, a startup that analyzes all of the world’s tweets in real-time and detects breaking information ahead of any other source. Mike has deep expertise in customer service software, having previously built the RightNow Customer Experience solution used by many of the world’s largest consumer brands to deliver exceptional interactions.

4 Things Retailers Must Do Before the 2022 Holidays

The holidays are behind us. The November and December rush leaves most companies exhausted and in a turbulent cycle of catch-up after the hectic time from Black Friday through Christmas. Before you know it, spring will be here and planning for the 2022 holiday season will kick off. You might not have taken more than…

Mobile-First Retailers See Many Advantages Beyond Higher Sales Revenue

Shoppers today are empowered more than ever before and armed with a trove of information, such as product reviews, product availability and price comparisons, to inform them before they even make a purchase. For retailers, this means that the balance of information asymmetry, that used to be in their favor, has now shifted toward the…