Isaac Gurary

Isaac Gurary

Isaac Gurary is the CEO of NoFraud, an e-commerce fraud prevention and checkout solution.

The Role of Fraud Prevention in a Recession

Retail e-commerce sales surpassed $4.9 trillion worldwide last year and are predicted to exceed $5.5 trillion by the end of 2022. However, to eight out of 10 small to midsize business (SMB) owners, those numbers aren't striking joy as worries over a looming recession mount. Over half of Wall Street's investment and economic professionals seem to…

Tips for Preventing Shopping Cart Abandonment

Research indicates that 65 percent of retailers are more likely to sell to existing customers than to new customers, and it costs five times as much to attract new ones than to retain existing ones. It’s a clear challenge to keep and add customers to retail ecosystems. To e-commerce retailers, there are significant costs to…