Jason Streiff

Jason Streiff

Jason Streiff is president of Streiff Marketing. Streiff Marketing has deep roots in the Amazon seller and vendor space and helps brands succeed on Amazon Retail and Amazon Marketplace. Located in Farmington, Utah, Streiff Marketing has helped brands across the country excel in their Amazon marketing strategies on the world’s largest and most competitive marketplace.

Inflation is Changing the Way Consumers Spend Money — Here's How Retailers Can Cope

With prolonged inflation, hiked interest rates, and an economic downturn, it's no wonder consumers are feeling an increased amount of stress when making purchases or buying services. And with the holiday season upon us, many are rethinking their spending habits even more than they already were. In fact, 60 percent of consumers say their priorities keep changing…

Amazon's New Tailored Audiences: Is it Worth it?

This September, Amazon.com launched "Tailored Audiences." It's an improvement to the Amazon Customer Engagement Tool. Tailored Audiences allow Amazon sellers to customize their marketing campaigns even more. Now brands can target customers using attributes like brand loyalty and product interest. Why Use Tailored Audiences? The old Amazon Customer Engagement tool had its limitations. Sellers could target only…

6 Ways to Create a Virtual Buying Experience

Even before the pandemic, there was a clear shift in how many of us were shopping. A nice day perusing the shops downtown or strolling through the mall is fun and exciting, but the convenience of the virtual buying experience has changed the entire landscape of shopping for good. Thanks to the digitization of the…