Shubhankit Verma

Shubhankit Verma

Shubhankit Verma is the senior manager of supply chain practice at Tredence. 

How “Co-Opetition” Can Help Overcome the Obstacle of Retail Overstock

The retail industry has struggled to cope with the unprecedented changes in the last few years spurred by the pandemic, leading to a scarcity of goods and overstocking in many cases. Additionally, snarls in supply chains resulted in bulk purchases until inflation changed consumer shopping patterns. Failure to identify and forecast changes resulted in excess…

5 Keys to Managing the Seasonal Supply Chain Crisis With Analytics and Data Science

Shoppers will likely be greeted by empty shelves or website stock-outs during the 2021 holiday season. It’s a perfect supply chain storm of increased demand and severely constrained supply and labor. Pent-up demand from the pandemic is leading to increases in both online and in-store orders while COVID-19-related restrictions, combined with container shortage, labor shortage,…